Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SUMMER'S HERE........thanks, James

"Summer's here, I'm glad of that....got my rubber sandals, got my straw hat.....it's my favorite time of the year and I'm glad that it's here." Well, it's really only late May, but you wouldn't know it by being outdoors. It feels like we're in the middle of summer. I can't claim the first line, it's from a favorite James Taylor song. Because summer has always been my favorite season, I really like the song. It has been such a beautiful day. Took Riff and Roy for a walk up our big hill and then took Taffy and Pepper for a walk the other direction. We went early enough to be shaded by the overhanging trees and there was a nice breeze. Again, I got my upperbody workout thanks to the beagle at the top of the hill. Thankfully, he didn't follow us, baring his teeth, as far as he did yesterday, but nonetheless, Roy still managed to scrape his little pads raw and I have his bloodstains on my top to prove it. You can try to imagine how much strength and effort it takes to hold back two little five pound malti-poos, when they are bound and determined to take on a ferocious beagle, or any dog for that matter.

Our past weekend was also nice. I was fortunate to spot the activity at the bluebird house Saturday morning and noticed that a baby bluebird was poking his head out while mama and papa bluebird are in trees around the house trying to coax him out. I'd love to say that I witnessed the first flight of at least one of the babies, but I didn't. Instead, I saw the parents feeding another baby in a nearby tree, while they were at their coaxing. Sunday I didn't see any bluebirds in the yard, but today I've seen the mama and papa coming down and getting insects for the babies in the trees. I'll report when I get a look at them through binoculars....if I'm able to.

In Henderson, we actually got to see and video three babies making their first flight from their box. Another time, when the birds didn't seem like they'd ever come out, Dustin went back and actually lifted the box lid and came back and reported that the babybirds were sitting on their sofa watching TV and didn't want to come out. That line from him told me a lot about how he felt about leaving home, I guess. My little babies have been out of the nest now for almost ten and eight years now. Time does fly, yes it does.

I read the review of the Alan Jackson concert in the paper. I would have loved to see him and the opener, Josh Turner. They both have some special, spiritual Christian songs that I love. They both also have some rowdy songs that I love, as well. Unfortunately, the Rupp Arena crowd, or a few of the concert goers,managed to get drunk and rowdy and obviously did not appreciate these types of songs. Good thing I wasn't there, I would have just been sick hearing drunks yell up at the stage for Chatahoochee, while he was playing Sissy's Song and others. I hope to get a chance to see both performers some day.

It was fun meeting with a couple of my highschool friends yesterday evening. We make the opportunity available for those in our class, so we can restore and continue the wonderful bonds we have had through the years, some of us since first grade.

My Wednesday night Bible study group is starting a new book. Our last two have been by author, Max Lucado, so we figured we would stay with what we enjoy. Our new book, Fearless, is his latest. I was especially pleased for it to be chosen because my primary physician recommended it to me. He knows my problems with anxieties and thought it would be a good read for me. He's gained my trust this past year, as he's really understanding of my faith in God and has prayed with and for me while addressing my physical ailments.

As this continues to be a beautiful week, I hope you are enjoying these days as much as I am. God blesses us in so many ways throughout each and every day. I hope you take note of and enjoy all the blessings that God sends your way. Stay safe and have a great day, luv, Susan

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Our weather in central Kentucky couldn't be more perfect than it is this morning. It's sunny and slightly cool, but warming up fast. It was wonderful to be able to take Riff and Roy for their walk. I haven't been walking much because Taffy hasn't been up to it. Last week, I took her in to be spayed and also remove a mass she's had for a while. I knew the mass was harmless because she had it removed before in Henderson and it's grown back, as the vet said it would if she had any more puppies. Well, she did have more puppies and the mass grew back and at ten years old she is still so healthy and activ, that if I didn't do something she would probably have more puppies in the future. I would really enjoy that, but have been advised that by ten she probably shouldn't, so that was the decision. Not only has she not been able to be really active due to her stitiches, but I don't like leaving her alone too much, so finally being able to leave her alone with Pepper for a bit and take the boys for a walk was a delight.......that is until the beagle up the hill decided to attack us, but it all worked out. I just got an upperbody work out as well as the walk.

When I was little we lived in Fort Worth, Texas. We had a Mimosa tree that I loved and used to climb in and watch the little hummingbirds. We also had some sort of dwarf wysteria tree. I loved the clumps of lavendar flowers that looked about like grapes that hung down below the branches. It attracted huge bees, but I never had any problems with them. I just really loved that little tree.

Years later, I noticed the beautiful wysteria vine that grew behind my grandma and grandpa's house in Illinois. We would all sit out back and be surrounded by the vines and the beautiful lavendar clusters. It also provided the shade for us to enjoy the back patio and each other's company without getting hot out there. My mom and sister were smart enough to get some of the beans from the plant at the right time and they also have the wysteria vines taking over fences and decks at their houses. I kept saying I wanted one, but never got around to actually getting the beans planted, etc.

Moving here to Georgetown, to this house that seemed made for us, I started noticing some wysteria shrubs and what appeared to be trees and vines around the area. It reminded me how much I had always wanted one of these plants. I looked around at some plant places and asked about them, but still didn't get any.

Well, as Gomer used to say,"Surprise, Surprise, Surprise". This morning when I went out to get the paper, I happened to notice a cluster of lavender flowers over at the side of our lot. I couldn't believe my eyes as I spied the vine climbing up several trees and intertwining between them and up into them, and yes, at the upper portion were the beautiful, familiar grapelike clusters of lavendar flowers. I was and am simply amazed!!! I didn't have to do a thing! I feel so blessed that God planted this beautiful vine for me years ago, and it is right here and now for me to enjoy and feel blessed by Him. How true that if we wait on the Lord, we will, indeed, be blessed by Him.

I had to look up The Vine and the Branches in my Bible to just remind myself of the true vine in our lives. There in John 15:1-17 is the story of Jesus, the true vine and God, His Father, is the gardener. There's so much to learn in this story, but bottom line is, we have to stay connected to the vine. How do we do that? It takes a daily act of prayer, Bible reading, fellowship with other Christians, and a continual life of worshipping God.

I did finally finish The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. But, I'm still working on many of the suggestions in the final chapters. I hope you have a great day today and spy the many blessings God has in store for you. Stay safe, luv, Susan

Thursday, May 6, 2010


We have gotten all dried out here in Scott County. The first time we looked at the house on this road, we noticed the "Flooding Possible" sign right away. Everytime we had heavy rains, we always expected to see flooding, but never had these past two years. Well, Sunday was the first time. As most all of Kentucky and Tennessee experienced torrential downpours for extended periods of time, we could hear water rushing down the hill at the edge of our yard. In the morning, Mark could not wait to get out and explore the situation. He said he could have put his canoe on the rapids coming down the hill as it washed over our driveway and out into the road and field across the way. Our closed gate had collected all kinds of debris as the water rushed through. I guess the entire road was flooded all the way up to and including the road that leads out to Cynthiana Road. Church was cancelled and we experienced our first flood. Guess the sign was right. Fortunately for us, we had no damage, just a very interesting morning seeing all the water. It was high at 6:00and had gone down considerably by 10:00.

I mentioned last month how much I enjoyed the blooming trees. The redbuds were particularly noticeable. This month it is the Black Locust trees. They have clusters of white flowers that hang down from the very top branches. They are so visible looking out across the tops of the trees from the roadside. We are lucky to have quite a few of them in our yard and they are so fragrant. It is wonderful while it lasts to to just breathe it all in, it's just so sweet an aroma.

I am currently trying to tend to some blue hydrangea's and some purple petunia's now that the lilacs have lost their blooms. How sad to lose them. I'm also trying to figure out what to plant behind the daffodil's and tulips that are no more. I'm looking into lilies and iris. As for vegetables, it's a slow start with my yellow squash, zuchini and cucumbers. I think we need a few tomato plants as well.

I put up the oriole feeder weeks ago, but no luck seeing one of them yet. However, I put up the hummingbird feeder with the same mixture of one part sugar to four parts boiling water and have already seen our first little hummer. Now I need to buy some more suet cakes for the woodpeckers, because one of them has been visiting the hummingbird feeder since his suet cakes are missing. With the finch feeder out there, we had our first indigo bunting with the goldfinch. The bluebirds are busy coming and going from their house, they're always my favorites.

I continue to make progress in my Purpose Driven Life book. The first four purposes are really easy to work toward. They include loving God, being a part of his family, becoming more like Jesus and serving Him by serving others. I hope we all work at these daily in our lives. The last one is a little harder, but probably, one of the most important. It is our mission, which is telling others about God.

It is so important to God that it is mentioned in each of the four Gospels as well as the follow up chapter, Acts. The first time it's mentioned, it's called the Great Commission and states, "Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples". In Mark, Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation". In Luke, we read "...repentance and forgieness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations". John writes, Jesus said "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And finally in the book of Acts, Jesus tells all his disciples "you will receive the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses.....to the ends of the earth". God made it clear that he didn't just want some of his created people to know about Him and our Savior, Jesus. He wanted all people of the world to hear this Good News. The disciples got the ball rolling and it is now our turn to keep it going.

Rick Warren expresses it as your ministry being your service to believers and your mission as your service to unbelievers. I hope we can all have the passion for our fellow earth dwellers to be active at both our ministry and our mission.

It has been such a beautiful day in this area. I was able to take the two boys, Riff and Roy for their walks, but it seemed a bit warm to take the old folks, Taffy and Pepper. We'll hopefully get another walk in as the evening air cools off a bit.

We're planning a wonderful Mother's Day. I hope you all enjoy a beautiful time spent with family on Sunday as well. Have a great day and stay safe, luv, Susan