Thursday, February 26, 2015

UNCLE.....We Surrender.......We're Ready for Spring

It has been a rough ten days weather wise around Central Kentucky.  I think school was called off all of last week and we are just trying to get back into some semblance of a routine this week.  It worked out well for me, as I had graphed out Mark Joseph's baby quilt, so all of that snowed in time was spent on cutting and sewing fabrics into my first quilt creation in many a year.  It's almost ready to start the quilting, as soon as I add one little applique piece to the quilt top.

Church has been cancelled for the little country church, where I attend the past two Sundays, but as Mark reported, with the help of many, our parking lot may finally be cleared and I'm hoping for the opportunity to worship in church this coming Sunday.  The Daniel Bible study has also been on hold, as our BSF class, studying Moses was also cancelled last week.  Thankfully, we got caught up this week and I am so amazed at Moses, Aaron, Joshua and especially Caleb as the Israelites began their years of wandering in the desert. I had read Numbers before, but this time it really was striking to realize that out of the over 600,000 Israelite men who were with Moses when they left Egypt, only the faithful and courageous Caleb and Joshua would live to obtain the land of milk and honey that had been promised by God.  I find all of this Old Testament study extremely fascinating, and so faithbuilding, as well.

Little Mark Joseph has already hit the six week mark and his parents are looking into the future aspect of daycares available to him.  Because the facility that seemed to be the best fit for them, has a long waiting list, I'm going to be given the opportunity to watch him a lot during his first year.  If I remember correctly, they don't run around too much the first twelve months.  

My family continues to be blessed this year as we celebrated my dad's 89th birthday with a family dinner at Cracker Barrell.  Everyone had fun passing little MJ around the table as we all enjoyed his squeaks and facial expressions.  

After record breaking cold and snow accumulations, I think we are all looking forward to Spring, which is just about several weeks away.  I'm going to try something new this year, by planting vegetable seeds indoors.  I need lots of advice in that department as my vegetable garden seems to produce less and less with each passing year.  Our church may even attempt a community garden this year, as our new pastor, Evan has gained experience this past year in helping with such a garden near Wilmore.

And do you feel the excitement in our commonwealth as we near the mad month of March?  It is so awesome that we have a UK team of exceptional young men, who also seem to have a knack for roundball.  We in the BBN are having a hard time controlling our united utopia as we root for our Wildcats and pray that they continue to play their best and maintain their admirable , everyday qualities as students, while they muddle through this throng to come that we call March Madness.  I learned yesterday that the Paris Greyhounds are still in the hunt for their district championship, so I better get busy making phone calls, in case I'm needed at the next game.

As always, I wish you many blessings today and everyday.  Stay warm and safe as we look forward to the most important time of the year.  luv, Susan   

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Forgive me Father, it has been over a month since my last posting.  Well, that's what it feels like, that I am in a confessional and it has been so long since I was here.  I did have a rather hectic month, to say the least.  My little grandson, Mark Joseph Alligrini Berry was born on January 13, eleven days past his due date of the 2nd.  In that time, his little Libby cousin, Parker, whose due date was the 6th, managed to be born early, thus passing our little MJ up, and is now the older of the two, which seems weird.  Anyway, it was a healthy labor and delivery.  We are absolutely ecstatic about this little miracle that seemed so long in coming.  It was nice having God's reassurance of a healthy mom and baby when a semi passed me on the way to Frankfort with the slogan, "Our number one priority in serving you is a safe delivery."  It was an answer to prayer, for sure, as I had begun to get a little worried because this labor/delivery was taking longer than either of mine.  I am very thankful to God for blessing us in such an awesome way.  Mark Joseph has already turned a month old and we are indeed blessed.

Before my babies were born, I spent all my spare time in New England, working on baby quilts.  I've managed to work on a quilt or two during the years, but nothing like when I was waiting on my babies, being a full-time new mom in Chepachet, RI.  So, it's been a bit daunting to try to reach back into my creative self and try to figure out how to go about making a quilt for my first grandbaby.  Well, thankfully, I can now report that I have started this project and hope it will be done in just a matter of days or possibly weeks....stay tuned.

As I reread my last posting, I was reminded that I had wanted to commemorate the anniversary of Mom Libby's passing on February 10th.  However, I was busy that day taking my Mom and sister, Kathy to visit Mark Joseph and Christina.  It's also difficult to go back to my last days with Mom because she was in an induced coma after suffering an aggressive type of infection.  Every day was a one sided conversation about how much she was loved and needed on earth, yet assuring words of her place in heaven with Dad, if she was ready to accept Jesus as her savior.  The talks we had in the times before her hospitalization never ended with the desired responses, but I have my faith that God reached down and accepted her delayed repentance and acceptance of His son during those final days in February when we prepared for her ultimate reunion with Dad.  Their ashes were given their final resting place on the island where they first set eyes on each other, and I enjoy thinking of them spending eternity in youthful bliss on Lanes Island or enjoying their view of Old Harbor.

If you are in Kentucky, you are enjoying a beautiful snow covered picture out your windows.  I can't begin to describe how awesome seeing the sun light up the sparkling snow is this morning.  I have a quilt to put together and so many other things to do.  I hope you are warm and safe and enjoying the blessings that God is bestowing on you today.  Have a great day.  luv, Susan