Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Coincidence?......I think Not!!!

My life of late is so full of coincidences that I could not even begin to mention them all, it would take that long. I really pay attention to coincidences. I truly believe there are no coincidences with Him and that when he crosses your path more than once with a person, a place or an idea, He's doing it for a reason. It must be important, you better pay attention......I do, I always do.

God is constantly giving me guidance each and every day because I am always paying attention to Him. Always asking for guidance, always waiting, waiting to receive His guidance. It always comes and I'm off doing whatever it is that He's wanting me to do and I'm always blessed for my obedience.( Sometimes with a shrimp dinner, sometimes with a pedicure or an opportunity to talk with a dear friend...those are the best blessings).

I did make an attempt to set the clock on my computer. I still have clocks now that are wrong since the time change. Hope you're all making it to where you're supposed to be. I hear that each day this week is gonna be better than the one before. Thank you God......Spring is indeed here.

Everyone have a great day, luv, Susan

1 comment:

pam mccloud said...

Just wanted you to know I've been reading your blog.... Love ya, #1