Friday, August 29, 2008

Lessons Not Learned

It's going to be a sizzler out there today. Was late taking our morning walk and boy, did we pay. It didn't help that Jerry, the neighboring boxer puppy was out and followed us along our way up the hill. At least my little dogs understand now that he's not out to hurt them, but it is still a rowdy mess, not a quiet morning walk.

I hope you have wonderful Labor Day plans. Ours includes inside house cleaning, and outside house staining. Hopefully a cookout sometime and, of course, football.

We're all anxious to see how our new quarterback does, as well as the rest of the team. As much as I enjoy football, I'm having my problems loving it at this time.

You'd think that after Kentucky High School Athletics lost a young player in 2006, that the coaches and administrations would not let it happen again. I can't believe that merely two years later, another young man dies after being overworked in extreme conditions of heat and is deprived of water. I truly believe that one death from this practice is too many. I thought these boys were playing a highschool game, not participating in a life or death situation.

Heaven is a wonderful place. I know that Max and Ryan are in a much better place, beyond our human descriptive terms, but it would have been nice to have had them here a little longer.

"Lessons learned are like bridges burned, you only have to cross them but once." Dan Fogelberg

I wonder how many times we'll cross the bridge of losing young men for no other reason than a coach and school's wish to win more games. Is it worth it?

Have a great Labor Day Weekend. luv, Susan

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I read an obituary in last Friday's Lexington paper that brought back a flood of memories. The best of which took place at the Mason County gymnasium for the 1970 Regional Final game. Underdog Paris, with a starting lineup of three sophomores, a junior and a senior was playing against perinneal powerhouse of the tenth region, Clark County. As an eighth grader, I was only beginning to understand the signifigance of this accomplishment. As the seconds ticked off and the upstart Paris Greyhounds defeated the highly favored Cardinals, we fans took to the court congratulating our sweaty players and celebrating our upcoming trip to the Sweet Sixteen. Sweet it was, especially realizing that our sophomore trio would undoubtedly take us for the next two years as well.....or so I thought.

It was a wonderful experience, the Sweet Sixteen in Louisville at Freedom Hall. Unfortunately, we met a school that was playing it's swansong. Hazel Green was going to be merged the following year, so they had quite a statement to be made and they made it against us. The Bullfrogs prevailed and the greyhounds went on home, but we knew we'd be back, just wait til next year and the next.

Another memory comes back. As a cheerleading mom, I was very interested when Henderson County was playing in the finals of the second region championship game sometime in the nineties. It was thrilling to see when the fans swarmed the court as they chanted Rupp Arena, Rupp Rupp Arena. I was glad to finally be part of going back to the sweet sixteen after all those years, but it wasn't the same.

I enjoy going to an occasional Paris ballgame. It's a new gym over there on seventh street. I love seeing the greyhounds painted here and there and I still feel at home in an orange and black gym. I look up at the rafters and see the banners they have hung and I always pause to see the banner for the basketball championships. Tenth Regional Champions: 1970....then blank. We didn't go back the next year, or the next. We'll just have to hold tight to the night we swarmed the floor and embraced Big Bill Gaines, Tim Taylor, Jeff Thompson, Mule Crumbie and Frank Chenault. Their names are always on the tip of my tongue. They gave me a special memory that I relive every once in a while.

But more than a basketball memory, Bill Gaines was more than that. He was a giant of a man at our high school. He was kind, cheerful, always had a smile on his face and something nice to say to everyone he met. It's not surprising that he was voted Most Popular in his senior class.

I saw him again at their 25th reunion and he was still the sweetest guy, all six foot, nine inches of him.

He leaves a huge gap in our school's history. I'll look for him when I make it to heaven. I want to thank him again for the special memories he game me.

I'm looking forward to my 35th High School reunion coming up next summer. I love seeing all my classmates and sharing our special memories from our highschool years.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'm still trying to get back on track after spending the last eight weeks with puppies, they have new homes now. Mission accomplished. luv, Susan

Friday, August 15, 2008


We've been back from vacation almost a week now. I'm trying to get caught up but it's not easy accomplishing even the most routine tasks when you've got four dogs and three puppies needing attention....and they're so cute. I simply enjoy letting them all out in the yard and watching them.

I especially enjoyed the Olympics last night, seeing the two young American girls take the gold and silver, whoohoo!! They've worked so hard, nice to see it pay off for them.

It's so cool being close to family, finally. This morning, my brother-in-law is gonna come help Mark with one of his projects. Couldn't do that while living in New England or even Western Kentucky. Thank you God for the wonderful blessing of living near my family.

I was thinking this morning about these young kids going off to college for the first time. I wish I could go back and warn my kids about some of the things that I hadn't been aware, at the time, would so adversely affect them as college students.

If you have someone going off to school warn them about credit card offers and fast food. Wow, what a one two punch that can be for a young person. They give you free t-shirts with every credit card and even pay you if you can sign up your friends. I know we've probably warned our children about purchases on credit cards, but did you ever think to warn them about how dangerous it can be to put fast food purchases on these cards, debit or credit? Try to dissuade them if you can. Fast food purchases add up quickly. Before you know it, the credit card balances and the unhealthy pounds are weighing your child down.

It's nice to see Donnie and Marie on GMA this morning, still a fan. The reading of the upperroom was again one of my all time favorites. I confidently believe that nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of our Heavenly Father. If you haven't read Romans 8:28-39, I highly recommend it

Have a great day, luv, Susan

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Places Remain, People Move On

I've been on vacation. It was wonderful in Maine. More than the place, which we love, we enjoy seeing family while we are away. Family we don't normally get to see very often are there to visit with and share treasured family time together. How lucky we are that we can get together like that in this really fast paced world where it's not easy to arrange schedules and coordinate vacation times.

I can't believe that I lived over a week without CMT. Even since coming home, I haven't watched much as I've been watching Olympics. We didn't get them while in Maine either. I'm really trying hard to get back into the swing of things here in Kentucky. There's just so much that needs my attention and I'm asking God to help me focus on the most important thing that is at the top of my priority list.

He's wanting me to enjoy my blessings right now as I have two adult turkeys and three little poults out back feeding on the corn left for deer. I haven't seen any deer since coming home, think the dogs barking each time they're let out is keeping the deer away. Gotta work on those yappy dogs.

And speaking of dogs, finding the puppies' homes and getting them settled in the next couple weeks is very near the top of my to do list. They are really, really cute at almost six weeks now. I think I know where they're each going, just have to finalize those plans.

To wrap this up, I've wanted to start making plans for our 35th, I think, high school reunion for next year. I'm hoping to arrange a really informal monthly gettogether, with any class mates interested, to start putting out our feelers and reach as many of our fellow PHS alumni as possible. Sadly, I saw an obituary this week and am reminded that time is of the essence. We are one less as the Class of '74. It's always a shock to see someone you knew in school pictured above their obituary. I hope and pray I'll see Shelby in heaven. He was a great guy.

Well, I simply praise God this morning for such a beautiful day, I thank Him for all my many blessings and ask for guidance and wisdom to get through this ever growing to do list. You have a great day, luv, Susan