Friday, August 29, 2008

Lessons Not Learned

It's going to be a sizzler out there today. Was late taking our morning walk and boy, did we pay. It didn't help that Jerry, the neighboring boxer puppy was out and followed us along our way up the hill. At least my little dogs understand now that he's not out to hurt them, but it is still a rowdy mess, not a quiet morning walk.

I hope you have wonderful Labor Day plans. Ours includes inside house cleaning, and outside house staining. Hopefully a cookout sometime and, of course, football.

We're all anxious to see how our new quarterback does, as well as the rest of the team. As much as I enjoy football, I'm having my problems loving it at this time.

You'd think that after Kentucky High School Athletics lost a young player in 2006, that the coaches and administrations would not let it happen again. I can't believe that merely two years later, another young man dies after being overworked in extreme conditions of heat and is deprived of water. I truly believe that one death from this practice is too many. I thought these boys were playing a highschool game, not participating in a life or death situation.

Heaven is a wonderful place. I know that Max and Ryan are in a much better place, beyond our human descriptive terms, but it would have been nice to have had them here a little longer.

"Lessons learned are like bridges burned, you only have to cross them but once." Dan Fogelberg

I wonder how many times we'll cross the bridge of losing young men for no other reason than a coach and school's wish to win more games. Is it worth it?

Have a great Labor Day Weekend. luv, Susan

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