Monday, November 24, 2008

First Annual Hanging of the Greens

I hope you had a great weekend. Things went well here. The weather was actually mild Sunday after being rather chilly on Saturday. I got to spend time with my family after a slight scare with my Dad. He's fine, just gonna check out a few things to make sure.

Last year, after Christmas, I shopped for greenery and lights in anticipation of decorating this new house for the Christmas season. I decorate with lifelike evergreen and white lights. To me, the greenery represents new life and white lights, well, Jesus, of course. I was especially delighted last year when we were able to rescue a large artificial Christmas tree from the trash. I knew, after buying the artificial greenery, this discarded tree would do quite nicely.

Well, yesterday, Mark and I spent a couple hours on the deck and we transformed the formerly trashed tree, into wonderfully lit decor for the outside of our home. Mark was just happy that he didn't have to climb any roofs; that had initially been his job at our previous house, but, eventually, we settled on icicle lights around the garage, since that was the first thing you saw of our Henderson home when you came around the corner to our street. Now, here in Scott County, our neighbors driving by will see our deck railing all lit up each night this Christmas season. I'll tackle the inside of the house after Thanksgiving.

I want to mention a couple Bible verses this morning. One is from yesterday's Sunday school class, Ezekiel 34:16 and the other is from today's upperroom reading, Psalm 147:2-3, and 6. They both speak of our Lord, our shepherd, as He gathers his scattered strays, binds up the injurred and cares for the weak. These verses also mention how He also retaliates against the wicked and self-centered. We serve a loving God, but it's not easy to ignore that we also serve a just God, who doesn't ignore the behavior of those who do not consider the rest of the flock. It is my hope and prayer that you consider and love all your neighbors the way our Father in heaven has asked us to do.

It is a very wet, dreary day here in Georgetown. We won't be walking, but that's okay as I have my shopping to do today, my cleaning tomorrow and my cooking to start on Wednesday.

You have a great day, luv, Susan

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