Thursday, April 15, 2010


My hope for you is that your area is popping out with Spring colors as much as here in Central Kentucky. Ohmigosh, it is so beautiful around here with the redbuds, cherry trees, dogwoods, lilacs and I could go on and on. I have a hard time watching the road to town because the trees are so colorful and beautiful. It's not hard to understand why my birthday present was a blooming cherry tree.

I got so many wonderful birthday greetings by phone, card and computer for my birthday. It's always good to hear from friends and family, especially those I don't hear from very often. One call was from a dear friend in my former prayer group. She was thinking of me, not only due to my birthday, but also because of a Bible verse. It was actually the daily verse in the Upperroom several days ago. It's Psalm 119:105 and says: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It's easy to see why it's one of my favorites.

During our prayer group years back, my friend had shared with us that she was having trouble with fear of being alone and fear of night. I shared, not only the verse, but the hymn based on the verse because the words express that when we are afraid or alone, we can know that God is right beside us. When I left Henderson, I made going away presents for my prayer partners that had the verse on them.

I was again reminded of the verse watching the news this week. A little girl had wandered from her home to explore in the Florida wilderness. She was missing for four days before a member of her church felt God directing him to find her. Keep in mind that the family, the church, and so many were praying for her to be found. This man felt God telling him to go toward the sunlight, and eventually it led him right to her. What a miraculous story! The little girl was unharmed and had been praying to be found.

When we put our trust in God and let Him be our guiding light, good things can happen. Jesus was the light, the way and we can follow him by doing exactly what God has instructed us to do in His word. Our Bible holds the secret to living our lives the most optimal way they can be lived.

I hope your day is filled with sunlight and you can enjoy this season of renewal, revival and resurrection. Have a safe and wonderful day, luv, Susan

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