Thursday, April 28, 2011

Enjoy Your Lilacs

This morning is an exceptionally wonderful blessing. After several days of recurring storms and rain, it looks like today is going to be weather perfect. It is starting out sunny, yet cool. I'm sure it is going to warm up rapidly, so I don't want to wait too late to get the doggies out for walks. The past three days I have been taking walks under threatening skies and between storms. Under those circumstances, I don't dare travel too far from our house. When the sprinkles start, I want to get home, but fast. Thankfully, we've only encountered being lightly spattered with raindrops, thus far.

I have managed to get somewhat overwhelmed over the past week with Easter looming and all. Just like my mom and sisters, I want Easter to be special and memorable for everyone in our family, especially the kids. Granted, most of them are either in their thirties or getting close to the big three-oh, we still like to see their faces light up with special Easter goodies and Easter activities. I think it is all getting ready to change. We apparently can't keep them "little children" forever. Yes, I made my adult children baskets, but no, for the first time, I didn't hide them and make them find them. And,no, we did not conduct our annual Easter Egg Hunt with plastic eggs filled with money. I didn't even color any eggs, actually, I haven't done that for years, for that matter. Guess it's time to put all that stuff aside until grandchildren come along. Dustin even reminded me that peeps don't fit into his low-carb diet and Christina didn't even ask about her Easter Basket. It was merely an "oh by the way, don't forget your basket" reminder when she was heading out. Yep, I guess they're finally growing up. Time to accept it. They grew up going to church on Easter Sunday, as with most Sundays, hopefully, they'll be doing that in the years ahead.

Making holidays and birthdays special for children is one of my favorite things. I know I get that from my mom, thanks Mom. Speaking of moms, guess what's in less than two weeks?

Carrie Underwood has a wonderful song for her mother called Mama's Song. She made the video after her recent wedding to her Canadian Professional Hockey player. It's a wonderful song telling her mom that her groom and future husband is just what she has always prayed for......that he is good. I've thought about the song and her message to her mom and wondered if she knows the real, true meaning behind that sentiment. I learned from personal experience and from a past Bible Study called Am I Beautiful? by Angela Thompson, that human husbands (or wives, for that matter) are by nature, sinful. Even though we may want to do what's right, we sometimes(more like often) fail. We shouldn't count on our newly married(or 30-40 year married) husband or wife to be perfect. Only Jesus is perfect and the perfect marriage will only and always remain the one between Jesus and his church. Hey,that's us! We are the church, we human Christians. And Jesus is our ever faithful, always present spouse. God is Good, all the time.

Weddings, you can't turn on the TV today without being overwhelmed by the upcoming Royal Wedding. I'm more concerned about what is going on in the south with the terrible devastation caused by the tornadoes there.

I also finished my Christmas book about Mark Krebs and his remarkable journey to becoming and being a Kentucky Wildcat. His mother's devastating diagnosis for cancer, during his sophomore year of high school, made the dream of playing for UK even more unlikely, but through his family, his faith and his sheer determination, he made his dream come true. He has written a wonderful book of inspiration for anyone who thinks a dream is unattainable. Terri Krebs fought the odds stacked against her and after being told she had nine months to live, lived an amazing nine years. God is Good.

I'm enjoying the last of the fragrance of lilacs in my house. I knew they were only going to be here a short time, so I took them in the house and appreciated their appearance as well as their sweet aroma each and every day. They are another one of my favorite things. I hope you are enjoying your favorite things in life today and everyday. It's best to enjoy them now, while you can, they may not be around for tomorrow. Have a great day, luv, Susan

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