Thursday, June 16, 2011


Spring weather is back! It is wonderful! Mornings are cool, abundant sunshine warms the afternoon, cool breezes are refreshingly pleasing and evenings are so very pleasant. How can anyone not want to be outdoors, especially out here in the country. Even the wildlife is loving it, I see deer all times of the day. Yesterday I even saw the little deer next door walking across the horse pasture with her one fawn, no, make that her two twin fawns. How cute!! She tried to turn around when she saw me and the dogs coming, but her two little fawns just continued across the pasture and crossed the road in front of us. She followed suit, as they all jumped into the brush in our neighbor's yard and disappeared. Wow, what a start to a walk. We saw numerous deer and even a turkey in the woods. Glad that I saw him first, because he really scared the dogs when he took flight as we passed him. Today is another beautiful morning and I look forward to getting back outside soon.

In the meantime, I hear that they're getting ready for a news conference with Anthony Weiner, who has finally decided to resign his Congressional seat. I think the American public has it's fill of all this juvenile behavior from it's politicians. The man evidentally needs to get some sort of help for his narcissistic and exhibitionist tendencies. Then, he needs to work on his marriage. I hope she forgives him and is also able to work on their marriage. I hope things work out for them both. I kept looking at this guy thinking he looked so familiar. I think I finally know who he resembles. Put short curly blonde hair on him and you have the spitting image of Eddie Haskell. Remember Eddie from Leave It To Beaver? I practically expect him to especially apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver during his news conference today. Maybe it's just me that sees the resemblance.

I've been really enjoying my UpperRoom readings of late. Yesterday's highlighted Bible devotional was about Jesus and Lazarus's sisters, Martha and Mary. Martha is so busy with all the preparations for company, yet Mary is reclined at the feet of Jesus, listening to his teachings. Martha tells Jesus how unfair this is for her sister to leave her doing all the work, yet Jesus tells her that Mary has made the correct decision and it will not be taken from her. I absolutely love that story. I used to feel guilty if I had dishes to wash, clothes to launder or a house to clean and the only thing I really wanted to do was read or relax. Now, I know that it is okay when we choose spending time with God over doing worldly tasks. Reading my Bible and the UpperRoom, enjoying a book about Biblical based stories or studies, even taking my walks and enjoying nature all are what I consider to be sitting at the feet of Jesus. The housework can wait a while, the laundry can be put off and the dishes will get done at a later hour. My time is better spent with God.

Yesterday's highlighted Bible verse is Matthew 6:33, which states,"Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things( what we eat, drink and wear ) will be given to you as well. God will take care of our needs when we are faithful and put Him and His kingdom in our lives first. This really works in my life.

The UpperRoom story also was fun reading. The writer was weeding her garden and noticed all these little plants she had not sowed. They turned out to be pumpkins from the compost soil. I, too, have had some volunteer plants from my compost soil around some azaleas. Mine, however, are not pumpkin, but probably germinated seeds from either watermelon, honeydew or cantaloupe. I think I also recognize a tomato plant. I may have to replant them in the vegetable garden where, I believe, a little chipmunk has eaten many of the seeds Mark planted for zucchini, yellow squash or cucumbers. At this point, they all look alike, so I don't know which ones are so thinned out.

And, as you may have presumed, I was absolutely delighted by the six game Championship win of the Dallas Mavericks. The team's faith in God was expressed by Jason Terry, who had an awesome game. Thank you, God, for lifting up your believers through sports.

Well, I am going to try to get outdoors before it gets hot this afternoon. I've got clothes to launder and hang out on the line. Have a great day and I'll get back to reporting on the Bluebird population in my yard next time. luv, Susan

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