Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Still Love Nashville

I can't believe that September will be gone in just a few days. It seems that it just got here, but isn't that how every month comes and goes now. We just got back from my father's annual Naval ship reunion in Nashville. It was so good to see the city just about completely back after their terrible flood a couple of years ago. It's hard to imagine that the Opryland Hotel and Grand Old Opry were actually under some ten feet or so of river water. Mark and I actually spent our fifteenth wedding anniversary at the Opryland Hotel in 1993. We got to see the UK Wildcats, with Jamal Mashburn, beat a Wake Forest team that trip. I hope we can go back there again sometime for a stay. It's one of my favorite spots in the country.

We've had the naval reunion in Nashville for the past seven years. The guys have been getting together for 25 years now. In the early years they used to go all over the country. But as they've aged, going to the same location made it a little easier for many of them. We've enjoyed Nashville so much these last seven years. However, after our repeated trips, the general consensus was to come up with something different next year. It might possibly be somewhere in Texas where two of the guys live, or Florida. If those places don't pan out, we may just have to have them come to Lexington and check out the "Horse Capital of the World". If you know of some fun activities that a bunch of eighty to ninety something sailors might enjoy, let me know.

Because we've been in Nashville the last couple years, we've actually been unable to attend the UK/Florida football game. I can't begin to say what a blessing that has been. It seems that no other team can dismantle and destroy a UK football team like the Gators do. Even in the years when most games were exciting and not determined til the final minutes, the Wildcats still seemed to get thumped by whatever Florida team they managed to suit up. Seems the only highlight of these past 25 years of playing this rivalry was when we were able to knock Tim Tebow out cold. And, yes, I am a big Tim Tebow fan, but that was the only positive thing I can remember against a UF team.

And, speaking of Tim, I was looking for him in Nashville as his Denver Bronco's were in town to play the Tennessee Titans. Unfortunately, I did not see him around town or during the televised game. I hope to see him playing sometime this season. I did catch some of Andy Dalton's play in the Bengal's highlights, hope he and the Bengals can continue to improve. I also hope the Wildcats can look better against LSU next week. Hard to believe that we beat them the last time I remember them being rated number one.

We went to see the movie, The Help, yesterday. It's a really wonderful story, hard to believe that people were treating each other like that in the sixties. I'm so glad that our country made it through so many of the growing pains brought on by the Civil Rights movement. I know we're still working out so much of our country's painful past, we just have to remember where we've come from and keep working toward loving our neighbors as ourselves. I believe that should be the basis for our relationships with every neighbor we have.

The doggies are taking a little break as they just had to go outside and chase away an unwelcome visitor. Seems that one of my neighbor's cats enjoys hanging out around some of our animal/bird feedeers. As much as I love cats, I don't want them surprising the unsuspecting birds and chipmunks that visit our feeders. The dogs enjoy reminding them to keep their distance.

It looks to be a beautiful Fall day here in Scott county. I hope you enjoy a beautiful and safe day as well. luv, Susan

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