Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Happy Leap Day!! Not exactly sure how we're supposed to celebrate, but it's amusing having this day every four years. I think I have one friend who's birthday is today, so I don't want to forget to wish her a great day. Can't imagine only having so few actual birthdays to celebrate.

After my last post on Ash Wednesday, I did go to the Upperroom website to check out their lenten study. Unfortunately, to take part in the study required a forty dollar fee, so I thought I'd go another direction for a Lenten study. Because we did one last year during our Sunday school time, I decided to try getting more from that study. After an hour or two spent looking for it, I'm pleased to say that I have immersed myself in the beginning pages of Shadows, Darkness and Dawn, A Lenten Journey with Jesus. Much of it is coming back to me and I'm looking forward to spending the remaining days of this Holy season exploring how I can share in on this journey.

I understand that most Lenten studies are loosely based on the book of John, which is written by "the disciple Jesus loved", as he wrote it. This book is John's first hand account of Jesus' life on earth between his baptism by John the Baptist and his final days up to and including the crucifixion. John also includes the miraculous account of the empty tomb and the appearances of the resurrected Savior before his disciples and followers. The primary focus of start of this Lenten study is the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. These days of Jesus in the wilderness are covered in the other gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. We are to examine our lives and question our wilderness and our temptations. An important part of lent is to practice self denial, thus giving something up for lent. Jesus went forty days prior to his earthly ministry going without food or physical contact while the tempter tormented him with one seductive suggestion after another. Jesus was victorious over the persuasions of Satan. We can always take heart in using Him, alone as our shining example.

Yesterday was a practically perfect day as weather goes. I think it hit around 71 and was sunny and mild. I've taken two of my doggies for walks the past two days. We enjoy getting out again after the cold days. It was even wonderful sitting outside later in the afternoon and working in my garden. I'm hoping to rid my flower beds of weeds and then put down mulch to prevent further re-infestation. As nice as the weather has been, I believe we're in for a real roller coaster these next few days. Today brings tornado watches for our area, as well as thunderstorms. I believe there is also predicted cold spell in the coming days to get through. I just hope and pray all these beautiful flowers and new blooms will be able to survive into the first week of March.

And speaking of March, we Kentucky fans are ready for March Madness to begin. After Kentucky men and women Wildcats each clinched their respective regular season SEC titles, we are looking forward to an amazing tournament time. I was very fortunate to see the Senior night festivities for the women at Memorial Coliseum. I'm looking forward to the last away game for the men at Florida on Thursday night and the men's basketball team's Senior Day festivities and Senior game against Georgia at Rupp.

I hope you enjoy this coming week of the Lenten season as well as the beginning of March Madness. Take care and stay safe, luv, Susan

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