Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Okay, I've been playing with some of the icons on this blog site.  I don't know if I'll be able to actually indent paragraphs now, but I may have figured out how to ad color to my posting.  We have continued to ride on the roller coaster weather right up til today.  It gets hot, it gets cold, it gets mild, it rains, I never know what to expect.  We may have the air conditioner on one day and Mark mentions turning on the gas logs the next.  I just hope we have plenty of mild days this month so I can have a lower electric bill and not use the gas logs at all.

The dogs and I took a wonderful walk this morning.  The weather, in fact, is perfect so far today.  We encountered a couple of deer crossing the road in front of us.  At that point, I needed roller skates on my feet, and they would have simply pulled me up the hill.  I understand their excitement, but I wish they could keep from barking when they see the deer, because that pretty much assures we won't see any more.

I was hoping that I'd be able to go to Lexington this morning to see the KHSAA State Baseball Tournament, but I had other commitments, in addition to taking the dogs for a walk.  My former hometown of Henderson has won their regional tournament and is playing at Whitaker Park as I type.  I would be listening to the radio, but there is evidently no coverage of the games.  I wish them luck and hope I can make it to one of their games, maybe the championship final.

The Bible Study I'm helping with is moving right along.  We are making our way through the Psalms of the Ascent (Psalm 120-127).  We are currently in the midst of 127.  Because these are the "songs" that were sung as the pilgrims made their way back to the temple, I am reminded that I am also a pilgrim, making my way back to a closer relationship with God.  Each Psalm is a reminder to us of how God's relationship is an integral part of our life. I so look forward to the remainder of the study and also am hopeful that we'll have the opportunity to do another Beth Moore study in the near future.

I wish I could say that God has blessed all of my days this Spring with many beautiful flowers and blooming shrubs, as well as my other gardening escapades.  Sadly, many of my plants and flowers are just barely holding on.l  I had such high hopes for my attempt at Hollyhocks, that I positioned them right in the front of the house so everyone could see them when they drove up and walk by them as they passed by going to the front door.  As it turns out, I am so embarrassed whenever anyone comes by for a visit because my hollyhocks look so awful.  After the rust fungus took over and killed about 99% of the leaves, it left the 2-4 foot stalks with nothing left on them but a few little leaves at the top and flower buds that are struggling to bloom.  Mark finally placed a green lattice behind them to give the illusion that there is more to them than there actually is.  I'm not giving up, but things aren't looking good right now.

Mark and I finally went to the local nursery that's out our way.  We've been meaning to go for, dare I say, years now.  Anyway, we went Saturday and because they are basically between seasons for most gardners, we were able to get some bargains.  We brought home some lavendar petunias, multicolored impatiens and even some coleus plants.  So, after picking up some gerbera daisy plants, I'm almost able to say that most of my gardens are finally planted.  Please remember, I am queen of the procrastinators.

Also, I'd like to report that my newly planted Mimosa tree is doing well since Mark placed it not far from the bluebird house, but I'm afraid it also looks kinda pitiful, as a deer must have made a snack of the majority of the newly sprouted fronds.  Thankfully, there is one remaining and I hope and pray that this little tree makes it.  In the meantime, it's surrounded by a tomato plant guard.  And speaking of the bluebirds, I did see the first brood across the street on the fence around the horse pasture.  I counted five birds, most looked like the young ones.  Now I'm looking forward to the parents getting ready for brood # 2.

Because I am a birdwatcher, I was excited to see a pair of Summer Tanagers in the backyard last week.  It was rather odd how they would fly from the back yard to the deck railings and back.  Finally, they decided to start landing on the ledges beneath our large windows on either side of the rock fireplace.  And, now at this point, it has become an all out assault on our six large windows that make up the A of our A-frame house.  These two nutty birds have been attacking our windows for days now.  They start as soon as it's light and continue til nightfall, and at this time of year, that's a long day of birds banging into the glass.  I've known male cardinals to do this, thinking it's another male they're seeing reflected in the glass, but I've never had something like this continue with a pair of birds.  Thankfully, this morning I allowed the dogs to stay on the deck while they had breakfast, and I think the birds decided to wage war elsewhere, at least I hope.

It was sad to see the UK baseball, tennis and softball teams end their seasons without going farther, but it was fun keeping up with their seasons as they made it to their respective year ending tournaments.  I hope you're enjoying a beautiful, but mild day where you are.  Stay safe and have a great one.  luv, Susan    ps  Go Celtics!!!

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