Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Wow, I can't believe so much time has passed since my last posting about Christina and Joe's Island Wedding.  I've been reliving the trip with pictures and sharing memories with friends and family members for the last two months.  And, Saturday was the Frankfort reception that we planned for friends and family members who were unable to make the trip to Maine.  I'm so pleased to say that it all went well, even though it was quite a push to the finish line for Joe and Christina as they put all the necessary finishing touches on their totally reconstructed home that was a great fixer upper for Joe's talents as a carpenter and a contractor. The house, not far from the state capital and downtown, had suffered major fire damage from it's previous owners.  This previously fire damaged shell of a house, as we had once seen it, was painstakingly turned into a beautiful, open and updated, lovingly crafted in every detail home with a fenced in back yard and an awesome child safe deck and beneath it a bricked patio.  To see the transformation was nothing short of miraculous.  Joe, Christina and their friends, volunteers and workers did a great job getting it ready for the reception just in the nick of time .

My job was to bring some of the decorations from the Vinalhaven wedding reception to Frankfort and help recreate some of the oldstyle ambiance and charm that we had at the farmhouse barn.  With the help of my sisters, Pam and Kathy, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Rich and Les, and Joe's mom, Amy, I think we were able to do just that.

Christina had previously put out the invitation on facebook, so we could have expected as many as seven hundred or so guests.  I had invited some friends and family that weren't on facebook, so that made it over the possible 700.  We tried to plan for a little less than that as the responses on facebook trickled in.  Ultimately, I'd say we had close to 150 or so make it to the Open House-style reception which started at 2:00 and was still going strong when we older foggies left around 9:30.  

In addition to watching the video of the Lane's Island wedding ceremony both inside on one of the walls and later, outside on a big screen, like a drive-in movie, Joe's two different bands provided entertainment out on the deck.  It was wonderful.  I hope all their neighbors are music lovers!

I, personally, was so happy to have family attend from Illinois.  My mom's brother, Junior and wife, Shirley, came from Maroa and her youngest two sisters, Linda and Carol, came from Argenta and Forsythe.  Also, my cousin Betty, Linda's daughter made the trip, driving them to Frankfort.  I don't get to see my Illinois family often enough, so this made it very special for us all. All in all, just like the wedding in Maine, everything went beautifully.  Having Mark's oldest brother there and friends making it from Henderson, also made it special.          I hope you are having a wonderful day, computer problems are telling me it's time to finish up for now.  Take care and be safe.           luv, Susan

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