Monday, July 7, 2008

Like an Ox Going to Slaughter

I wish I wasn't so opinionated, but I am. I've been praying for some eight years now for wisdom and guidance and I guess He's been showing me both regularly. It's hard not to have strong feelings about things. I said things. Today's upperroom took me to 1 Corinthians. I was especially drawn to verse 15 which states " The spiritual man makes judgments about all things...." . That's right, things, not people. We are to love all people, not judge. Remember, judge not.

Anyway, I am seeing in the news that Alex Rodriguez, A-Rod, as we know him, is having marital problems. Coincidentally, so is Madonna. Well, you probably know, by now, the story. I've always thought that Madonna's behavior was less than acceptable. I've actually enjoyed some of her songs, but her behavior, not my cup of tea.

When she started dressing more conservatively and writing children's books, I thought, that I wouldn't want her reading to or being a role model to any child that I knew.

Well, when I watched yesterday's Southland Hour, I was reminded of some of the verses in Proverbs that had struck me years ago. I wish someone would have sat A-Rod down and read Proverbs 7 to him. It's a shame what his family is now going through.

I've so enjoyed watching the birds coming to my finch feeders, that is until some critter decided to start munching nightly on the thistle seed. I've had two feeders disappear into the woods. One I found chewed up, the other is gone completely. How wonderful when I took my walk the other day and a neighbor, I had just met previously, had some things placed out by the road for free. I was absolutely delighted to see among the cabinets and fluorescent light bulbs, a perfectly good finch feeder, much nicer than any I had ever purchased. Thank you God. You always give me just what I need.

What a beautiful day it's starting out to be, puppies are eleven days old today. Have a great day, luv, Susan

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