Thursday, July 10, 2008

Temporary Assignment

There's a lot going on in my life right now. For someone who doesn't have a real job, you might find that hard to believe. But, the things that are on my heart are my real job. I take my tasks of the heart very seriously.

I have to say that the Upperroom took me back to Paul's letters to Corinth. In his second letter, I especially am fond of chapter 4. It always has so much to say. I love the comparison of God to the potter and of us to the soft clay. But, we can also be considered a bunch of cracked pots. If you read today's page, you'll know that it's not the outside of the pot, but what is held on the inside that is the key. I hope each of us remembers that when dealing with others. God loves each of his cracked and imperfect pots, let us do likewise.

Further in this enlightening chapter, we are reminded that we are in a temporary situation. That's hard to grasp, but as a believer, that's how we are to view our our current surroundings. All of our possessions, even our relationships pass through our lives for a reason, and they all may be gone in the blink of an eye. We should be ready to let go at any time. I want to do my best in my current temporary assignment, yet fix my eyes on the eternal, unseen home that lies ahead.

These little puppies are two weeks old today. I see a three ring circus in the weeks ahead. Have a great day, luv, Susan

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