Thursday, December 9, 2010

Getting In The CHRISTmas Spirit

What a beautiful morning it is outside!! The sun is shining on what is left of the snow, and it just sparkles. We are going to have a little mini heatwave today as the temps skyrocket up to 32 degrees. These past few days have had us in a deep freeze. Unfortunately, for me, the five white fuzzies can go out and simply enjoy their limited freedom and not freeze off their furry little bottoms. I, however, put on many layers and still feel like I'm gonna start breaking off extremities, I'm so frozen. It's especially nice when all five fuzzies go out, do their business and are ready to come right back into the warm house....yes!

I am feeling so spoiled this morning. Our satellite TV has a new Christmas music channel and it is playing the most wonderful songs about Jesus and the story of His birth. I've always loved the country Christmas songs about the true meaning of Christmas and, of course, all the Christmas Carols, but I'm really getting spoiled hearing so many beautiful songs describing that mysterious holy day when our Savior first came into our world. I've also been listening to the local K-Love station in our area. I think it's 89.9 and it plays these beautiful, inspirational songs as well. I highly recommend your checking out either of these to help you get into the true spirit of Christmas.

My mom and dad went to Nashville recently and were able to attend a taping of the RFD channel's program, Larry's Diner. It was fun seeing them in the "diner" with my sister and brother-in-law. It was especially nice to see my dad presented with a Navy belt buckle in honor of his military service. Also, while in Nashville, my mom and sister went to see the taping of CMA's Christmas special, the day after this year's CMA Awards. That program was aired while we were in Florida, so I recorded it and was pleasantly pleased when I watched it night before last. Thank you Country Music for bringing such wonderful, seasonal music to prime time TV.

Well, I'm still doing my Christmas cards and getting my other lists together. Maybe I'll take down the Thanksgiving decorations today. Give me a break, I didn't put them up til two hours before Thanksgiving dinner. Anyway, I have mentioned before that I am a procrastinator, so I just have to enjoy things sometimes a little later than most.

Yes, it is a wonderful day. We in the Big Blue Nation were able to watch a really good game last night, after several missteps this past week or so. I didn't even know Tyler Hansborough had a brother, yikes!! How many other former foe clones will we face this year, are there any little Laetner's out there? Anyway, life is good for the Big Blue right now. You have a great day and get in the Christmas spirit. luv, Susan

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