Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Good Tuesday morning! It's been over a week since I've blogged. Mark and I went south to visit his parents in Florida. The weather was hot and sunny, in the eighties most of our visit. It was wonderful to be able to walk the two doggies that accompanied us each day we were there. We so enjoy visiting with Mark's family in Florida when we can. I still struggle with the geographical distances between us and family members who I wish were closer......just a fact of life.

The temperatures did drop the day before we left and I understand that Florida crops are now in jeopardy due to the unexpected extreme cold they're now dealing with. I hope there is no major loss of that wonderful produce for which Florida is so well known. We came away with grapefruit, oranges and lemons and look forward to enjoying them the coming weeks.

It has been an adjustment getting back to Kentucky just in time for winter to lay a beautiful blanket of snow over the entire area. Normally, I can spot my little white pooches out running about the yard. Now, however, they are creatively camouflaged with white on white. I'm just glad they enjoy the snow and get their exercise outside, even when I'm waiting patiently from a much warmer window location inside.

And, yes, it is oh so much closer to Christmas, now that we're back from our Florida getaway. Please don't tell me how much shopping you've accomplished, or about your completed Christmas decorating and all your other holiday accomplishments. Today, I'll be taking down the Thanksgiving decorations and starting on my list of Christmas cards and our Christmas gift giving list. I'm still trying to dwell on the true meaning of the season and trying not to get stressed out over what all there is yet to do, even though I know it's a lot.

I picked up a Rick Warren book at Wal-Mart yesterday to help remind me about what to truly focus on this season. As the author of The Purpose Driven Life, I know I can count on him to help guide me through the season, just as The Purpose Driven Life helps guide me through my life.

On the news this morning, I see that Elizabeth Edwards is nearing the end of her journey here on earth. She has had to face so much adversity during her time here, I hope she has a strong faith in God as she nears this inevitable transition. Before the recent political campaign with her husband and his eventual fall from grace, due to his poor choices, they were faced with their most difficult challenge in their lives, the loss of a child. I am convinced this is the absolute hardest experience one can face in life. Seeing it second hand, I can only imagine the pain it must be each and every day, after losing a baby, whether it is an infant or an adult. God knows the pain all too well, as He lost His son on the cross. It couldn't have been any less painful for Him, than it is for any of us, when this unbearable loss comes into our lives. It is only through His wonderful promise of eternal life, through His son, that we are able to overcome such pain and know that we will see our cherished children again in heaven. I pray that Elizabeth knows this for a fact and that she is getting ever so close to reuniting with, not only her lost son, but also, the son of God as well.

I think I mentioned before that there are now four horses in the field across the street from our house. The two newer horses really perk up and pay attention when they see me come and go. I enjoy hollering and waving to them whenever I'm at the end of the driveway. I'm afraid I got carried away yesterday when I had the dogs out for a break. The horses came ambling across the field, as if in a parade. As they paraded across the field, they picked up speed and Riff and Roy went nuts. They ran across the front of the yard keeping in step with the horses across the road. Well, they didn't stop at the end of our yard and found their way through the fence at the neighbors driveway and continued over, across the road into the field. I'm sure the horses were delighted to experience their antics. I, however, was not amused and got the other three little white fuzzies into the house. By the time I ran back out, Riff and Roy were sitting by the driveway gate, not looking forward to their inevitable scolding. Thankfully, everyone got back safe and sound. I hope the horses enjoyed the excitement caused by the troublesome twosome.

I look forward to putting together my cards and dwelling on the reason for the season today. Between the snow covered landscape outside and the warmth of the fireplace inside, I won't have any trouble getting into the holiday spirit. I hope you find the holiday spirit as well. If you still haven't got it, it can be found in Luke 2:8-20 for starters. You have a great day. luv, Susan

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