Wednesday, December 31, 2014

HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR ( The Great Flood Of 2014 )

I go back and forth as to whether I should continue my attempts at an encouraging and uplifting Christian blog.  Originally, I wanted to feel still connected to those I left behind in Henderson, then I wanted desperately to reach my father-in-law in a manner that I felt uncomfortable with face to face, and now, I suppose, it is to do what we have been commissioned to do in Matthew 28:18-20.  I don't exactly consider myself as one of the twelve disciples, but I believe that my part is to plant seeds and water or nurture those seeds that have already been planted in the hearts of others.  So, I guess I'll carry on.

We had what my daughter stated as the end of an era here at our house a couple weeks ago.  Our water bed that we've slept on for the past 36 years sprung a slow leak weeks ago which turned into an impending flood of sorts during the middle of the night last week.  Mark, thinking that the waterbed mattress liner would contain the gallons of water that now filled each corner of the bed, said he would take care of it once he got home after work.  I, also worry free, went off to the Amen House for my three hour shift that morning.

When I got home that afternoon, I checked on the bedroom and everything looked just as I had left it.  The sheets and bedding had all been stripped and the heater had been unplugged, so I went on back downstairs to put away groceries and clean up the kitchen.  Hours later, when I went back up, I noticed glistening coming from the corners of the bedliner and realized that the water level was actually coming up higher than the mattress itself.  As I stepped closer to examine the situation, my foot touched down on squishy carpet.  That's never good, so I, in full panic mode, called Mark with the update on our now code red level disaster.

He quickly learned that his confidence in the mattress liner was ill-conceived, as the water was leaking from several spots along the foot of the bed and saturating the carpet.  He gave me the step-by-step instructions for draining the bed mattress with the water hose out front and then it was my responsibility to reverse this impending deluge.

The dogs thought it rather fun following me up and down the stairs and in and out the open front door as I ran up and down and in and out with the hose, and turning on the water, which seemed counter productive at this point, but eventually, I could see and hear the water from the bed liner draining down the hill in front of our house.  Eventually, I had to do the steps again as I actually attached the hose to the mattress itself, as,it too, began draining and I could then go about sopping up the water from our squishy carpets and continually checking the ceilings that are beneath our bedroom.

I am guilty of an "I told you so" of sorts for Mark, as I had suggested changing from our waterbed mattress to the traditional bed mattress we brought back from Mom and Dad Libby's guest bedroom.  He told me it wouldn't fit into the bedframe and that was the end of that.......until the day of the flood.  Evidently, the bedframe needed only minor adjustments and the new, kinda, mattress fit just fine.  Mark even thought that I may have actually sabatoged our bed in order to get my way, but of course, I would never do such a thing.  It is nice to be sleeping on this new mattress, though, I will admit to that.

As for New Year's resolutions, I again will resolve to try my best to be closer to God with each passing day.  I know if I do that everything else will fall into place for the best life that I could possibly live.  I'm open for whatever He has planned for me to do. I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve tonight and experience the most awesome 2015 possible. Stay safe, stay warm and have a great day.  luv, Susan 



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