Time marches on..........I hope everyone that reads this had an especially wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends and good food, and expressed your thankfulness for all that God has done in your lives. We did that here at my house with all 21 family members in attendance.
As chief cook and bottle washer, I felt a bit inadequate as the turkey still wasn't thawed after three full days in the fridge, nor when I fell behind peeling ten pounds of potatoes that eventually cooked down to almost potato soup before being whipped just minutes before we all sat down to eat. After being unable to host the dinner last year due to gallbladder surgery, I was out of practice getting everything done. Thankfully, with the help of my mom, son, daughter,sisters, nephews and their significant others, we got it all on the tables for everyone to partake. I consider it a successful day because everyone ate til they were miserable. Next time, I'll try to start earlier.
If you follow me on facebook, you know that my daughter, Christina is about a month away from introducing us to her and Joe's little baby. We still don't know the sex of our first grandchild, just praying he/she gets here safely and in good health for both mom and baby.
It is time to start preparing for the celebration of the birth of another baby, the savior of the world, God's perfect son, Jesus. I've got my cards ready to address and hopefully add a picture of our family. Of course, there is a picture of the babe lying in the manger on my cards, surrounded by the symbolic little lambs. As heartbreaking as it is to grasp it, Jesus was the perfect lamb who was slain for us so we could be forgiven for our sins. One sacrifice, given once for the entire world of believers. Jesus was present on the earth for about thirty three years, showing and teaching His children how to live their lives to enter into everlasting life with Him and the father, our God, in heaven. If we can grasp anything from this Christmas season, it is that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believeth in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life". I live my life on that promise, the first verse I ever memorized. I hope you do as well.
There is so much to do this time of year, I better get going today. The UpperRoom readings for the past two days really helped me remember how loving, forgiving and present in my life, He is. I hope you're immersing yourself in the opportunities to hear his inspiring and encouraging words today and everyday. Have a great day and be safe and warm! luv, Susan ps, Happy Birthday, Taffy!
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1 comment:
Loved loved your blog. Made me cry. So many emotions here and I am just not sure if Mary Lou has accepted Christ. She said back in the summer she had after Alan had talked to her. She won't talk about it at all.
Please pray for God to intervene and soften her heart.
She continues to just basically exist. Very difficult on everyone.
Have a good holiday. Congratulations on your new grand baby. No other feeling on earth like it.
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