Thursday, September 29, 2011


I can't believe what a difference a day makes! Yesterday I felt like a slug. I couldn't get myself motivated for anything. All I wanted to do was sit around with the dogs and waste time. I decided that I needed to ask God for some motivation in getting around to whatever it was that He wanted me to do. I knew He wasn't really pleased with my sitting around being lazy. So, I made some choices to go to bed earlier, try to eat healthier this morning, start my day with The Upperroom devotional and low and behold, I have been full of motivation getting things accomplished today. He has placed so many things on my heart that I'm actually excited to try to get them all done by His prioritization.

I'm enjoying this beautiful day so much! I'm a member of the Scott County Homemakers and it is my job this month to be the lesson leader. This will be my first time to do this. I agreed to it because the lesson that we are having this month is Social Networking. I would say that out of our club there may be a handful of six to eight that are on the computer. I figured that I would be the most likely to be able to explain Facebook, Twitter, Skyping and blogging to the club. I also knew that I might learn something because I am just a beginner myself. It was an informative lesson this morning and I look forward to trying to present it to my club next week.

Well, it's almost the weekend and I know we have a game in Baton Rouge on Saturday. It may be cold here from what I'm hearing, but if it's nice, I want to simply record the game ( you never know ) and go to a Fall Festival. I believe there are two going on around me that I have enjoyed from past years. The first will be limited to one day at Reed's Valley Orchard. This is a wonderful way to spend Saturday afternoon. I've enjoyed their various musical entertainers and the craft booths and hope to walk their nature trail after being unable to identify it in the past. I know Mark won't be up for it, not his thing, but I'm sure a friend or family member will go with me or meet me out there. Also, I encouraged a friend who sets up a booth at festivals to give them a try and I want to support her effort. The second event is the Festival of the Horse right here in Georgetown. I think it starts up on Friday and continues through Sunday. I've missed the parade in the past, but hope to catch it this year. Mark and I were surprised last weekend to see what appeared to be a parade of buggies, carriages and horses go right down Bailey Road in front of our house. I thought that maybe some of the participants of the Horse Festival Parade were taking some practice runs in our country neighborhood.

And, as for the game. I'm gonna pray for a wonderful, injury free, good sportsmanship good time for all involved. I'll also pray that God gives the Kentucky Wildcats the motivation to do wonderful things on the field as well as off. Above being a winning team, I want them to be winning individuals, always looking out for the other guy and always trying to strive to be their best. Go Cats!!!

And speaking of motivation, did you attend that Rupp Arena Motivation Seminar? My goodness, it sounded like a carnival atmosphere. I wasn't the least bit interested, but I did like some of the speakers. I was shocked to read that they advertised for tickets that cost $1.95, for advance tickets only, but, if you showed up the day of the event, it cost $225. Wow, what a shock if you assumed it was less than two dollars and it was really over two hundred. Like I said in the beginning of this blog, I get my motivation straight from God. If we ask for it, He freely gives it to us, each and every morning. Now, that's a bargain.

By the way, if you have given up on UK Football, and I haven't yet, we've seen some unusual things happen these past years when we've played LSU. I'm thankful for DVR so I can record it and enjoy, what I hope will be, a beautiful Fall day. Like I said, if you've given up on football, just remember basketball is just around the corner. UK Fans started camping out Wednesday for tickets to Big Blue Madness which is scheduled for mid October. Too bad we couldn't fill Rupp Arena with those fans, instead of the season ticket holders that watch the games like the team is simply playing for their entertainment. We have so many wonderfully rowdy fans, if the football team could just get going, we'd have a rocking time at Commonwealth. Go Big Blue!!

Well, Taffy is crying for something, I think she wants down to go bark at the horses across the street. The other four have been doing just that, but she chose to sit next to me while I blogged, so she has been sitting and whimpering. I hope you are having as beautiful a fall day as I am here. It's been the perfect day for hanging clothes, which is exactly what I'm doing while I blog. That's the kind of multi-tasking I can appreciate. Take care and be safe, luv, Susan ps, I still don't have any bluebirds back, but I've been watching a wonderful family of cardinals recently.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Still Love Nashville

I can't believe that September will be gone in just a few days. It seems that it just got here, but isn't that how every month comes and goes now. We just got back from my father's annual Naval ship reunion in Nashville. It was so good to see the city just about completely back after their terrible flood a couple of years ago. It's hard to imagine that the Opryland Hotel and Grand Old Opry were actually under some ten feet or so of river water. Mark and I actually spent our fifteenth wedding anniversary at the Opryland Hotel in 1993. We got to see the UK Wildcats, with Jamal Mashburn, beat a Wake Forest team that trip. I hope we can go back there again sometime for a stay. It's one of my favorite spots in the country.

We've had the naval reunion in Nashville for the past seven years. The guys have been getting together for 25 years now. In the early years they used to go all over the country. But as they've aged, going to the same location made it a little easier for many of them. We've enjoyed Nashville so much these last seven years. However, after our repeated trips, the general consensus was to come up with something different next year. It might possibly be somewhere in Texas where two of the guys live, or Florida. If those places don't pan out, we may just have to have them come to Lexington and check out the "Horse Capital of the World". If you know of some fun activities that a bunch of eighty to ninety something sailors might enjoy, let me know.

Because we've been in Nashville the last couple years, we've actually been unable to attend the UK/Florida football game. I can't begin to say what a blessing that has been. It seems that no other team can dismantle and destroy a UK football team like the Gators do. Even in the years when most games were exciting and not determined til the final minutes, the Wildcats still seemed to get thumped by whatever Florida team they managed to suit up. Seems the only highlight of these past 25 years of playing this rivalry was when we were able to knock Tim Tebow out cold. And, yes, I am a big Tim Tebow fan, but that was the only positive thing I can remember against a UF team.

And, speaking of Tim, I was looking for him in Nashville as his Denver Bronco's were in town to play the Tennessee Titans. Unfortunately, I did not see him around town or during the televised game. I hope to see him playing sometime this season. I did catch some of Andy Dalton's play in the Bengal's highlights, hope he and the Bengals can continue to improve. I also hope the Wildcats can look better against LSU next week. Hard to believe that we beat them the last time I remember them being rated number one.

We went to see the movie, The Help, yesterday. It's a really wonderful story, hard to believe that people were treating each other like that in the sixties. I'm so glad that our country made it through so many of the growing pains brought on by the Civil Rights movement. I know we're still working out so much of our country's painful past, we just have to remember where we've come from and keep working toward loving our neighbors as ourselves. I believe that should be the basis for our relationships with every neighbor we have.

The doggies are taking a little break as they just had to go outside and chase away an unwelcome visitor. Seems that one of my neighbor's cats enjoys hanging out around some of our animal/bird feedeers. As much as I love cats, I don't want them surprising the unsuspecting birds and chipmunks that visit our feeders. The dogs enjoy reminding them to keep their distance.

It looks to be a beautiful Fall day here in Scott county. I hope you enjoy a beautiful and safe day as well. luv, Susan

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today should be a quiet day for me. Hopefully, I'll be able to take these doggies for their walks. If the weather cooperates, I'll walk Pudge and Roy, then Pepper and Riff and finally Taffy. It seems that either inclement weather or hectic scheduling has kept me from too much walking as summer winds down.

It's been enjoyable to watch the mama deer and her two babies most of the summer. They seem to stick to a routine of spending time on our hill each day and wandering over to the field across the street around dusk. I'm not clear on their entire routine, but the dogs let me know when they are nearby or moving around in the woods. So much for peace and quiet out here in the country.

If you keep up with UK Football, you know that we fans are very close right now to pushing the panic button. After many years of feeling like we were heading in the right direction with Rich Brooks, our forward motion seems to be stalling and slowly going into reverse. We had been so hopeful that when Joker Phillips took the reins, our tortoise pace of progress would be propelled to a hare-like speed. Sadly, that has not happened and we are seeing a rough SEC road ahead. I hope Joker and the team are praying for direction and guidance. We fans should be reminded that steady and slow improvement was better than no improvement at all. I also hope our fans will maintain their support through this season. Let's pray for some more of the steady and slow improvement these next games. It's best to be positive and encouraging and remember after all, it's just a game............not like basketball.

I was hoping to see Randall Cobb do a repeat performance of his NFL debut, but I'm afraid I haven't heard much about his second game. I think he was awesome to relate to the reporters questions that he was simply being led by God when he made his record tying 108 yard kickoff return. I'm also keeping an eye on the Bengals rookie quarterback from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. He's been given an awesome opportunity to lead the struggling franchise just up the road to a vastly improved standing. After last year, the Cincinnati Bengals have no where to go, but up. Good luck to Andy Dalton, as he continues to move this team, slowly and steadily, through their season.

Did I hear correctly that the soap opera, All My Children, is going off the air? I remember watching that during my high school days, college days and when my children were very young. I also remember turning it off for good when the little kindergarten boys I babysat for started having inappropriate lunchtime conversations in my Henderson County kitchen. I understand that Erica Kane kept right on getting married and divorced, and causing all kinds of scandalous scoops in Pine Valley and throughout her viewing audience. Thankfully, for all those who can't live without the diminutive diva, it seems that the soap will more than likely be carried over the internet, however that works.

Finally, as you may have suspected, I did not miss the season premiere of Dancing With The Stars. Amid all the pre-show hype and controversy, I must say, that it all boils down to the performance on the dance floor. The contestants did not disappoint. They obviously were busy working hard and practicing while all the gossip swirled harmlessly around them. Looking forward to a fun season.

Well, I see deer outside my window, so before the dogs begin their yapping, I will close for the day and get us going on our walks. I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay safe, luv, Susan

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fast Forwarding to Fall

I see that the last time I blogged was in early July. I'm guessing that I became overwhelmed with preparations for our vacation. I also remember that as the weather became increasingly unbearable as July progressed, I was no longer seeing bluebird activity in my yard. Because I was unable to sit outside for periods of time, I hadn't even realized they disappeared until I started noticing that as I came and went to town, I was no longer seeing them flit from tree to tree as I drove down the hill. As I started paying attention to and looking for some evidence that they were somehow around, I began to realize that the bluebirds I had been enjoying so much were gone. It has been some twelve weeks since I last remember seeing bluebird activity in my yard. I'm guessing they flew farther north to escape the unrelenting heat and humidity of our midsummer mugginess. Whatever the reason, I haven't felt like blogging since they left.

Life has been good here in Central Kentucky. Mark and I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Maine. It was especially good to see his brothers and their families while we were there. Sadly, we did lose a wonderful family member as our trip was ending. He had been ill for sometime, but we still had hope of a full recovery. I am looking forward to the day when I can see him once again.

On a more positive note, some of my high school classmates were able to get together for a summer cookout several weeks ago. I can't imagine anything better than spending time with family or friends, both are so precious to me.

The doggies are all doing fine. I just wish the weather would cooperate so we could get in the habit of daily walking. Again, the weather has wreaked havoc with our walks. This also has thrown me off balance.

Today is a special day for Kentucky. The president is going to award a very special Kentucky Marine with the Medal of Honor. Dakota Meyer is from a small community not too far from here. His story of bravery and valor as he attempted to rescue members of his unit is amazing.

I hope you have had an awesome summer and are looking forward to an amazing fall. Take care and be safe, luv, Susan