Wednesday, December 31, 2014

HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR ( The Great Flood Of 2014 )

I go back and forth as to whether I should continue my attempts at an encouraging and uplifting Christian blog.  Originally, I wanted to feel still connected to those I left behind in Henderson, then I wanted desperately to reach my father-in-law in a manner that I felt uncomfortable with face to face, and now, I suppose, it is to do what we have been commissioned to do in Matthew 28:18-20.  I don't exactly consider myself as one of the twelve disciples, but I believe that my part is to plant seeds and water or nurture those seeds that have already been planted in the hearts of others.  So, I guess I'll carry on.

We had what my daughter stated as the end of an era here at our house a couple weeks ago.  Our water bed that we've slept on for the past 36 years sprung a slow leak weeks ago which turned into an impending flood of sorts during the middle of the night last week.  Mark, thinking that the waterbed mattress liner would contain the gallons of water that now filled each corner of the bed, said he would take care of it once he got home after work.  I, also worry free, went off to the Amen House for my three hour shift that morning.

When I got home that afternoon, I checked on the bedroom and everything looked just as I had left it.  The sheets and bedding had all been stripped and the heater had been unplugged, so I went on back downstairs to put away groceries and clean up the kitchen.  Hours later, when I went back up, I noticed glistening coming from the corners of the bedliner and realized that the water level was actually coming up higher than the mattress itself.  As I stepped closer to examine the situation, my foot touched down on squishy carpet.  That's never good, so I, in full panic mode, called Mark with the update on our now code red level disaster.

He quickly learned that his confidence in the mattress liner was ill-conceived, as the water was leaking from several spots along the foot of the bed and saturating the carpet.  He gave me the step-by-step instructions for draining the bed mattress with the water hose out front and then it was my responsibility to reverse this impending deluge.

The dogs thought it rather fun following me up and down the stairs and in and out the open front door as I ran up and down and in and out with the hose, and turning on the water, which seemed counter productive at this point, but eventually, I could see and hear the water from the bed liner draining down the hill in front of our house.  Eventually, I had to do the steps again as I actually attached the hose to the mattress itself, as,it too, began draining and I could then go about sopping up the water from our squishy carpets and continually checking the ceilings that are beneath our bedroom.

I am guilty of an "I told you so" of sorts for Mark, as I had suggested changing from our waterbed mattress to the traditional bed mattress we brought back from Mom and Dad Libby's guest bedroom.  He told me it wouldn't fit into the bedframe and that was the end of that.......until the day of the flood.  Evidently, the bedframe needed only minor adjustments and the new, kinda, mattress fit just fine.  Mark even thought that I may have actually sabatoged our bed in order to get my way, but of course, I would never do such a thing.  It is nice to be sleeping on this new mattress, though, I will admit to that.

As for New Year's resolutions, I again will resolve to try my best to be closer to God with each passing day.  I know if I do that everything else will fall into place for the best life that I could possibly live.  I'm open for whatever He has planned for me to do. I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve tonight and experience the most awesome 2015 possible. Stay safe, stay warm and have a great day.  luv, Susan 



Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Christmas Eve, it's here and, as usual, I'm not ready.  I've known all along that it was coming and I've tried my best to get ready, but I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now.  I did get the cards sent out, the house is decorated and I've baked and delivered cookies to friends and neighbors.  I went to the wonderful Christmas program at church, listened to the special music on the Christian Christmas music station and read all my devotions from my upper room leading up to tomorrow, but I'm still not feeling ready for tonight, tomorrow morning or the celebration of the awesome event that is  being commemorated.  I want to feel the peace that comes with knowing that I've done everything I could do to pass on the good news that we as Christians have been commissioned to do.

Every Christmas I feel such an overwhelming sense of "did I do enough" and "did I do too much" concerning gift buying and giving.  In addition to that I always feel a sense of guilt receiving the gifts given to me, because I didn't feel deserving of them.  I would rather my time and  their time spent thinking of how Jesus lived his live as our role model.  He spent time doing good, being good, loving, caring, teaching.  He knew his time was limited on earth and he tried his best to show the word, to be the word so that we might all see and know how to be and what God is expecting of us.

Have I sent that message to my family, friends and neighbors?  I ask every morning to be the hands and feet of Jesus, do I ever accomplish that?  Tomorrow's upperroom reading is about nursing home residents.  My thoughts and prayers have been and continue to be for my friends and family members who are in this very position.  Mark lost his parents at the beginning of 2014 and his uncle just weeks ago.  Did I do enough to let them know the wonderful news of our savior, who died for us?  I'm overwhelmed right now.  Have I done enough?  Have I done too much?

Dear Lord, please give me the peace that comes with knowing that I've tried to do what you've wanted from me each day, especially this time of year.  As I welcome my first grandchild in the new year, I can't even imagine how I'll feel when I hold this new life.  As with my children and all my family, friends and neighbors, I'll want this little life to know about Jesus.  I want to do enough, yet not do too much.  Not everyone wants to be told the good news.  It's a weird world we live in.

My Christmas wish for you is that you've done enough this Christmas to have the peace that passes all understanding in your hearts.  I think I'm feeling better.  Have a wonderful Christmas Eve and a blessed Christmas tomorrow.  Stay safe and warm.  luv, Susan 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Checking Off My Christmas To-Do List

This week is arranged a little differently for me.  Because there is no Bible Study on Wednesdays, I'm able to blog today.  I couldn't yesterday because I was out Christmas shopping with my mom and sisters.  We had a really fun day, they are great company and fun to be around.  Now, if I could just make my Christmas shopping list, I could start figuring out how I'm doing.

One thing that is accomplished for the most part is my card writing and sending.  I originally thought that four boxes would be plenty, so when I found a card I really liked at Wal-Mart in November, I bought them. But after sending all those out, it was time for a refill.  I headed back to Wally World last week looking for the same card, but expecting it to be all gone.....I was right on that count.  I remember seeing another one I liked as well, so I'd try to find it.  After I went through all the "inspirational" card boxes that could be reached, I looked up to the top shelf and, of course, there was another box, just out of my reach.  I could barely get my fingers on it as I pushed it gingerly from side to side, as I stood on my tippy toes.  I had finally been able to ascertain the fronts of three of the four rows of cards from my vantage point, but just needed to see that front box on the inside right row.  Just as I almost could see it, the whole box came down on me, sending boxes of inspirational cards all over the ,thankfully, empty aisle.  As the Wal-Mart clerk came to help and see if I was okay, I told her that I was and that I'd get it all back together, no help from her was necessary.  And as I got a good look at the final card that I was trying to see, I told her that I found just what I was looking for, to which she responded, "well, I'm glad of that". It is a beautiful card with a perfectly inspirational message for those who receive it.

It's time for me to finish up my decorating, do some laundry, some cleaning and then bake some more cookies for tonight's Christmas Program at church.  It is so wonderful to have my little country church just up the road.  Just minutes to get there and minutes to get back home.

I hope you're getting everything checked off your Christmas To-Do List.  And take some advice, if you see something you need on the top shelf at the store, ask for help.  Stay safe, stay warm and have a great day!  luv, Susan  

Thursday, December 11, 2014


We all have our Christmas traditions.  I am smack dab in the middle of trying to carry out the majority of mine before too many more days pass.  I've dragged out the little artificial tree covered with colored lights from the back bedroom, where it sits covered in a corner year round.  My mom helped me decorate it on Saturday with all the little Hallmark  and glass ornaments that we can fit on it.  The patchwork Christmas tree skirt is from my Grandma Sims.  She gave one to my mom, my sisters and me.  I like to sit lots of little stuffed animals under the tree.  This little tree sits atop a table that is also covered by a red plastic tablecloth that used to drop all the way to the floor.  This year, however, I told my mom that we'd position it so it would be several inches or more from the tile beneath it. Because, apparently, my dogs' Christmas tradition is to pee on this red tablecloth every year.  Yes, I still have trouble with my little male doggies leaving their little accidents here and there, although I know they're done on purpose.  I guess it has something to do with the tree sitting atop the table and the confusion with dogs and trees outdoors....oh well.  I'll keep working on it, cause it's one tradition I'd like to see ended.

I just listened to a really beautiful song by a group called 4 Him, called A Strange Way To Save The World.  I'm not sure how long it's been out, but it's one of my favorites that tells the Christmas story from Joseph's perspective.  He's asking God why he is trying to save the world by sending a savior in such a strange way.  I'm sure there are many through the years that have wondered this same thing.  I'm just glad that 4 Him decided to put it out there for us in an awesome song.

Yesterday was the last BSF Study until after the New Year.  Pam and I won't know what to do with all that extra time.  I expect that once Christina has our little Sixlibbyberry, I won't have a lot of extra time, but that has not all been determined as of yet.

I've always stressed that one of the reasons that I blog is to try to keep in touch with family, friends and neighbors that I've left behind.  So, you'd find it interesting to know that I lost touch with a very special friend some 19-20 years ago.  I'm happy to report that I was finally able to find my friend, Debi's long lost address hidden away in a box of desk stuff that still needed to be sorted through. We had the most fun conversation Tuesday and I'm looking forward to possibly visiting with her sometime over the holidays.

I am so thankful that it is a beautiful, yet chilly, sunny day.  And I really need to get busy with completing two of my other Christmas traditions, getting my nativity scenes out as part of my decorating and getting my cards ready to send.  I'm really looking forward to sharing our news about the soon to come addition to our family in our cards.  I also have the picture from our silly Thanksgiving picture that Christina posted on facebook.  And I also have to go clean up some doggie traditions as well.  You have a great day, stay safe and warm.  luv, Susan

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Where Do You Find Your Puzzle Pieces?

I love puzzles.  I remember when Dustin was developing into a toddler, I looked at the toddler puzzles and for his first puzzle, I selected a Pluto puzzle.  It was a wooden board with a picture of Mickey's dog, cut into seven pieces, to be placed back together to complete the picture. Well, Dustin wasn't very good at it, so the next time I went to the store, I saw the puzzles for the youngest toddlers.  They had four pieces, each was a picture of it's own, that neatly fit into the cut out of it's own picture.  I think I bought four that day so Dustin could learn to do puzzles and not get bored.  He got pretty good at placing the turtle, frog, fruits,farm animals and bath toy cut out pieces where they belonged.  I thought he was a genius!

I've thought for sometime now that knowing what God wants me to do as part of His plan for my life is something of a puzzle.  Some days it takes me longer than others to figure out exactly what the picture of that puzzle is, but I keep trying.  

I picked up a couple pieces of my plan's puzzle in just the last week.  The first was another statement that I received from our BSF class lecture. One of Moses' three requests to God, as he approached Him to get further instructions, after God had given the Israelites the Ten Commandments the second time.  He asked God, after "teach me your ways" and "go with us" to "show him His Glory".  At first glance, this request doesn't seem quite as important as the first two.  But then our lecture leader, Mary Beth stated, " We can take God's glory into the darkest times of our lives".   Hmmmm, that sounds pretty good.

Do you have favorite Christmas movies?  Of course I do!  One is White Christmas with our local celebrity of the past, Rosemary Clooney.  She sang the most touching song with Bing in that movie, Count Your Blessings, Instead of Sheep.  The song came on my radio station this morning as Mark was getting ready to leave.  It was Amy Grant singing, not nearly as wonderful as Rosemary and Bing, but all the same, the words rang true.

Yesterdays Upper room reading was about a family dealing with a son's serious bout with depression.  A counselor suggested that they try to list their blessings during this time when they felt consumed by darkness.  They did so and and felt enlightened to remind themselves that God was still working in their lives through each and every day of their journey, as a family dealing with their son's depression.  Doesn't this sound like God's glory shining in our darkest times.

I'm reminded to always be thankful for all the many blessings in my life, this is giving Him the glory, and when He knows we are doing this, He can let that glory shine light into the darkness of our difficult times.  It's amazing how these puzzle pieces fit together to give us a wonderful picture of a loving God who wants to be with us, wants to teach us His ways through our savior, Jesus and also wants to show us His glory by lighting our way each time we acknowledge Him for the wonderful blessings in our life.

I still have so much to do to prepare myself and my home for Christmas.  I hope you are preparing for the celebration of the coming of the savior of the world, Jesus Christ.  Take care, stay safe and warm.  luv, Susan   ps Dustin did finally master the Pluto puzzle!           

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sharing God's Little Coincidences

Today is going to be busy for me.  Yesterday was as well.  The funny thing is that I don't like being so busy all the time.  What I enjoy is a peaceful day at home with my doggies and a warm fire, getting things done around the house.  Today, it would be nice to get out my greenery and white lights, the little Christmas tree tucked behind the door in Christina's downstairs bedroom and do some decorating.  Then, with the Christmas Message on sirius, start my Christmas cards.  But, on my calendar is the reminder of Homemakers Christmas dinner, so I'll be taking a chocolate cake, picking up my friend, Mildred, and off we'll go to our annual celebration with all the members of our homemakers group.  Once I get on the way, I'll be glad to have the company of all these wonderful ladies and it will be special.

Yesterday, I was busy with my sister, Pam.  We go to a BSF Bible Study each Wednesday in Lexington.  It's a particularly highly structured organization that I had desired to attend when we lived in Henderson, but the timing didn't work out, so God gave me the opportunity to try it here in Central Kentucky.  We are currently studying Moses, and it is fascinating.  Turns out that Charlton Heston's portrayal of Moses in The Ten Commandments did not tell the whole story.  Fortunately, God had everything He wanted us to know written down in the Bible for us to really know the whole story.

I was particularly interested when our leader, Mary Beth, mentioned a particular verse during her lecture that I was very familiar with.  Many times in the past, I have sought out this verse in Lamentations because it is such a wonderful reminder for me not to waste mornings by sleeping in. The verse which starts with 3:22 and continues through verse 23 states "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness".  Because of this verse, I've set my alarm to take advantage of the wonderful compassions or mercies, that await me in the morning.  Thank you God for wonderful starts to our mornings.

I felt the need to share this because after I read my BSF study for the morning, I opened up my Upperroom and read yesterdays devotion, as I was off and running due to being a little late in getting started.  Anyway, the verse highlighted was Lamentations 3:22-23.  I checked my notes from the lecture, and there it was Lam. 3:22-24, a study on Moses brought me right back to the same verse that was the Upperroom devotion for me.  When God gives you little coincidences like that, it's a good idea to share them with someone.

Yesterday continued to be busy as daughter, Christina came over for supper.  I can't believe that we are counting down the days til the arrival of our newest little Sixlibby.  But, like I said, today will be busy as well.  I got my first Christmas card yesterday from one of the dearest teachers of all time.  I look forward to when I can finally sit down and respond to her, but in the meantime I have to get ready for a Christmas dinner.

I hope you have a great day and are enjoying this special time of the year.  Stay safe and warm.  luv, Susan   ps, Okay, we are getting ready for a new little Sixlibbyberry.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Time marches on..........I hope everyone that reads this had an especially wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends and good food, and expressed your thankfulness for all that God has done in your lives.  We did that here at my house with all 21 family members in attendance.

As chief cook and bottle washer, I felt a bit inadequate as the turkey still wasn't thawed after three full days in the fridge, nor when I fell behind peeling ten pounds of potatoes that eventually cooked down to almost potato soup before being whipped just minutes before we all sat down to eat.  After being unable to  host the dinner last year due to gallbladder surgery, I was out of practice getting everything done.  Thankfully, with the help of my mom, son, daughter,sisters, nephews and their significant others, we got it all on the tables for everyone to partake.  I consider it a successful day because everyone ate til they were miserable.  Next time, I'll try to start earlier.

If you follow me on facebook, you know that my daughter, Christina is about a month away from introducing us to her and Joe's little baby.  We still don't know the sex of our first grandchild, just praying he/she gets here safely and in good health for both mom and baby.

It is time to start preparing for the celebration of the birth of another baby, the savior of the world, God's perfect son, Jesus.  I've got my cards ready to address and hopefully add a picture of our family.  Of course, there is a picture of the babe lying in the manger on my cards, surrounded by the symbolic little lambs.  As heartbreaking as it is to grasp it, Jesus was the perfect lamb who was slain for us so we could be forgiven for our sins.  One sacrifice, given once for the entire world of believers.  Jesus was present on the earth for about thirty three years, showing and teaching His children how to live their lives to enter into everlasting life with Him and the father, our God, in heaven.  If we can grasp anything from this Christmas season, it is that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believeth in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life". I live my life on that promise, the first verse I ever memorized. I hope you do as well.

There is so much to do this time of year, I better get going today.  The UpperRoom readings for the past two days really helped me remember how loving, forgiving and present in my life, He is.  I hope you're immersing yourself in the opportunities to hear his inspiring and encouraging words today and everyday.   Have a great day and be safe and warm!  luv, Susan           ps, Happy Birthday, Taffy!   

Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Taffy Waits For Me

I just read my last post, wow, that seems so long ago.  It was actually early Spring and so much has transpired since then.  I don't think I can review everything right now, but I'll start where I am today.

I am back at the computer because my life has reached the point where I feel that God is telling me that I need to share with my friends and family how He is working in my life every moment of every day.  I initially blogged because it helped me to feel connected to all my friends, neighbors and family members, even though ninety nine percent of those didn't ever read my blog.  That was okay, because the few who did said they enjoyed it.

Eventually, I realized that my father-in-law got a kick out of reading it, after initially dismissing it because of all my Christian references.  Anyway, he got hooked on it, so I continued keeping it up, because I knew he might absorb some of my strong faith in my God and His son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.  If you read my last blog, you know that not only did my father-in-law pass away in January, but my mother-in-law passed only a matter of days later, in February.  Needless to say, our lives became quite a bit more hectic with trips to Florida and taking care of so many end of life things with Mark's brothers.  If you come to my house, you can get to know Mom and Dad Libby more, because we have so many of the things that they held dear and their belongings also help us to feel their presence surround us.

Okay, other stories of these past seven months will have to wait.  Because today I have to share the story of my little dog, Taffy.  My aunt Linda called me after I had mourned my first dog, Twinkles for months.  Linda's dog, Misty had just had puppies and she knew the little cream colored one was just what I needed.  For the first time since losing Twinkles, I felt a space opening up in my heart again for a little furball.  I asked Mark and the kids what they thought about getting a new dog.  Mark thought that we should get another Cocker Spaniel.  Christina said it would be a great time to get a Pug.  Dustin really liked the idea of a Corgi.  So, I rephrased the question to, " Would ya'll like a new dog?  Do you want this little dog from Linda or not?"  It was unanimous.  I called Linda back with the news and told her to start calling the creamed colored dog, Taffy, because I had always liked that name for a dog.  She said Taffy it is and I started counting the days until she was old enough for Linda to bring her to me.

That was almost fifteen years ago.  My little dog gave me so much I can't even begin to say, but that's only the beginning. When Taffy was six, remembering Twinkles loss, I decided that if anything happened to her, I wouldn't be able to stand it, if she left without my having something of her to help me heal.  So, I breeded her with another little malti-poo that we knew and we had two puppies.  My aunt Carol had recently lost her husband, my uncle Dean, so I promised her one of the puppies.  That little puppy,Sassy, has kept my aunt Carol company as the most wonderful little companion for these years since my Uncle Dean has been gone.  

After that first litter, I decided that providing needed puppies to family members and friends was my calling and little Pepper came into our lives. Five years, four litters and thirteen puppies later the comfort, joy and special friendships have blossomed with so many of my friends and family.

Taffy is gone now, she passed night before last at the age of fourteen years and ten months.  She was mostly blind and deaf, but was always my little white shadow.  I miss her terribly, but I'm okay because I have three other little white shadows with me ninety percent of the time.  I thank God for preparing me and helping me to share the love and companionship of these little furballs with others. And, I know Taffy, with Twinkles, will be waiting for me when I finally go home.  Take care and have a great day.  luv, Susan    

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I am feeling so very blessed this morning.  Even though it is frigid outside, the sun is shining and I saw so many signs of Spring when I was getting the mail and the paper. First, I heard a bird singing from the tree over our driveway.  As I continued to look for the source of the melodious sound, I finally saw him atop a nearby tree.  It was a bluebird!!  Wow, that lifts my spirits so much I can hardly put it into words.  Not only is it warm enough for them to start househunting for their future family, but they are coming back to my yard, even after the horrible experience of last summer.

I figured after that sighting, I would check the garden to see if any of my flower bulbs had dared to pop up through the frozen ground with their green sprouts.  I was actually shocked to see evidence of all the daffodils, hyacinth and tulips pushing their way up through the soil.  I am delighted to say the least.Thank you, God, for showing me the wondrous works of your hands.

As I read my Upperroom devotion for today, it was comforting to read one of my most favorite scriptures, Proverbs 3:1-6.  The most familiar being verses five and six," Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight". The story with the scripture was wonderful.  It was for those dealing with alcoholism or any addictions.  I'm thankful not to have addictions, except to some foods, but it was a worthwhile read, as it is everyday.

In my last blog I mentioned my father-in-law's hospital stay and his latest improvement.  Sadly, Dad Libby had rough days ahead as the doctors found what I understood to be a perforated bowel.  He was no longer able to eat, and surgery was not an option.  He passed away one week after he had sat up and had his bowl of sherbert in bed.

All the Libby boys made it down to be with him and Mom in those weeks.  I was able to stay on with Mom, who had daytime caregivers.  I was there for over two weeks as she was actually getting stronger and able to walk a little more steadily with her walker, after getting physical therapy three times a week. Unfortunately, she came down with an aggressive urinary tract infection that apparently sent her body into some sort of septic shock.  This happened the night of the Superbowl and I called her daytime caregiver to come extra early the following morning.  After talking to her doctors office, she was taken to the ER and eventually put on a respirator.  Mom was in the hospital and improved for six days, but then started declining on day seven.  Hospice took over her care and she passed within hours after my last goodbye to her.  It was only about 25 minutes after her son had left her bedside.  Staying at Mom and Dad's house the last two weeks of my month long stay was very strange.  I came home with my sister and brother-in-law, who had been vacationing nearby.

We will have a memorial service for them both, this summer, on Dad's beloved island of Vinalhaven.  We will share our memories with their many friends, who spend their summers in Maine; with our large family of Libbys, who will gather for the occasion, and we will scatter their ashes somewhere over Old Harbor, where they spent many years of their retirement enjoying island life and each other.  We will continue to miss them both dearly and are comforted knowing they're together and will be there to greet us when our time comes to join them in heaven. Thank you, God, for your awesome promise of eternal life.

I hope you are seeing the wonderful signs of Spring as I have been.  Please, take care and stay warm.  love, Susan   

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


It seems the word for today is "thawing".  Yes, we have been in the deep freeze for the past several days....I mean temperatures here in Central Kentucky and the rest of the country have been record lows in the single digits and below. Thankfully, though, we are headed for a heatwave and expect to reach back up to freezing and above today, with the trend heading upward over the next several days.

I have been laying low at home with the four dogs keeping warm and getting the house back to normal after the holidays.  All the decorations, the greenery and white lights, the Christmas tree and decorations and the nativities are all back in their boxes and stashed away in their closet.  Today Mark can push the sofa back against the door until around Thanksgiving and it will all start again.

We've been in close contact with Mark's brothers for the past week.  Dad Libby went into the hospital with chest pains and he's really had a time of it.  They were afraid he might not make it after a procedure to clear some sort of blockage or clot was put on hold, but God must have told Dad that it was not his time, yet.  News from brothers Jeffrey and Scott on Sunday was that Dad came to and sat up swinging his arms and fists like a boxer , ready for his opponent.  Mark was overcome with emotion telling me that his dad was sitting up in bed and eating sherbert.  This was wonderful news after what we had been hearing the past two days. 

And as 2013 came to it's close, I had been struggling with minor health issues and dog problems.  Because I've been willing to take back dogs that didn't work out, there has been the issue of "accidents" appearing behind sofas and under tables.  It's hard to discipline dogs when you aren't 100% sure who the guilty party is, so it continues to be a problem.  This cleaning up after bad dogs has only been compounded by my recent (say, the last six months or so) lower back problems that occur whenever I stoop or bend.  You can see that the combination of bad dogs and bad back pains can make for uncomfortable, to say the least, living conditions.  I realize the cross I bear is light compared to the burdens of others, so I will try not to harp on my complaints.

We are continuing on with our Esther Bible Study that took a back seat when we began having advent studies with our minister's class.  I am so thankful to have loving and forgiving students in my class who pick up the ball and run with it when I drop it by coming in late or missing a class for whatever reason. 

As 2014 marches on, I am reminded that the days are getting longer and it won't be long before we're looking for the signs of Spring.  I am so thankful to know we serve a loving, forgiving, compassionate God who loves us each so very much and is in control of our lives when we are willing to give that control to Him. I hope you are thawing out today and realizing that warmer days are ahead.  Stay safe.  luv, Susan    

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Starting 2014 Out Right

Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas! I hope this 2014 is starting out wonderfully well for you and your family.  Mark and I are looking forward to a great year together.  Last night we were watching Texas A & M doing a really pitiful job against Duke in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl.  Finally, at halftime, I decided I'd had enough of seeing Duke score each time they had the ball, so I turned it off and turned in for the year of 2013.  I had wanted to see Johnny Football do his magic against Duke and really send them a packing.  This was in no way how I wanted to celebrate the New Year, watching Duke win a bowl game.  It also was what my 57 year old body was telling me to do, go to sleep.  So, with two hours left in the old year, Mark and I turned in and when our dogs wanted to go out at 12:05, we woke long enough to wish each other a Happy New Year and turned the page to 2014.

I was absolutely surprised when Mark woke me early this morning to inform me that Johnny Football had actually done his magic and Texas A & M had beaten Duke.  Wow, I enjoyed the highlights from SportsCenter and was happy that Duke didn't get to celebrate.  I am a true Kentucky fan after all.

I got caught up in the Christmas and holiday preparations and never got back to blogging after Thanksgiving.  I was also set back some after getting my gall bladder removed, so I'll use that as an excuse as well.  I do hope you had a great Christmas, we did.  I spent a lot of time with family and wouldn't change any of our wonderful holiday times spent together.  Both my sisters do such a great job hosting us in their homes Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I don't see how they get it all done!!

The only problem I found with the Christmas season was all the commercials on TV promoting all the spending, spending, spending.  It's really hard to concentrate and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas when the world media considers it simply a time to shop and spend.  That's the end of my rant.

On December 26th, my UpperRoom reading talked about the women of Christmas.  I was particularly taken with the verses in Luke about Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the temple when he turned eight days old.  A man, Simeon, who was described as righteous and devout, had been blessed with the Holy Spirit and it had been revealed to him that he would not die before seeing the Lord's Christ.  When he saw Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple at Jerusalem, he knew this was who had been revealed to him.  He took the baby in his arms and praised God saying, "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace.  For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for the revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people, Israel."  

The current UpperRoom had the cover illustration of Simeon holding the baby Jesus.  I just wanted to share this wonderful insight.  I am so happy to read each day's selected reading and will continue to do so throughout 2014.  My primary resolution each year is to grow closer to God and starting each morning with His word gets each day off on the right foot.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe 2014 starting off with a great first day.  Take care and stay safe.  love, Susan