Friday, April 8, 2016


Years ago, I made a conscious decision to grow closer to God.  I have spent my time since then not letting anything hinder my efforts to try to do the things that I have felt God leading me to do.  These things include, praying, attending church and supporting my church family, taking Bible studies, volunteering to help others and trying, trying to be as Christ like as I can be.  Yes, I fall miserably short on that last one, but I'll continue to try.  Writing this blog is a continuous struggle to reach out to others, but I'll continue to try.

Today's UpperRoom lists "My Cousins" as the prayer focus.  I was just telling my homemakers club yesterday how much I love social media because it enables me to reach out and stay in touch with my cousins, whom I love dearly.  They are my reminder of my grandparents, their home and the awesome times we had in their loving embraces as children.  We are spread out all over the country now, and I yearn for the opportunities to be with them all.

The devotional reading also reminded me of the awesome message in the story that Jesus told his followers of the workers in Matthew 20:1-16.  The owner of the vineyard spent an entire day hiring workers for a denari to work his vines.  Some were hired in the morning, some later in the afternoon, and some much later, with only an hour left to work.  At the end of the day, he told the foreman to pay each man, the last hired would be paid first and the first hired would be paid last.  Each received the promised denari for their work.  Many of those who had been working since early morning were upset that they had not been paid more, yet the owner clearly stated that he paid what he had promised.  Does this seem fair to you?

God offers us eternal life for accepting his Son as our Holy Savior and working in His kingdom spreading his awesome story.  It doesn't matter if we accept Jesus early in our lives and spend many years spreading God's word, or if we acccept Jesus on our deathbed, we all will receive eternal life for the acceptance of our Holy Savior Jesus.  It may not seem fair, but it is the Good News of Jesus Christ that you've heard about.

I hope you have a great day.  The Upperroom is available at  Or, I could mail you a copy if you ask.  Again, enjoy a great day and stay safe.  luv, Susan