Monday, February 25, 2008

An Awesome Weekend

I had a really awesome weekend and I hope everyone else did as well. I told my friends that because of my new address, I knew it was going to be a "Wonderful Life" in my new home and I was right. We had my Dad's 82nd birthday party Saturday and then went to Pam's for the UK game. We really enjoyed the outcome, though we were upset with the station's choice to switch to the beginning of the Duke game. Apparently, we weren't the only ones upset. This reminds me of when the CBS affiliate in Evansville tried to air a Purdue game instead of a UK game during the NCAA tournament years ago. I called the entire first half and never got through. The UK/Kansas game was on at halftime. Guess they got the message.

It's already been a wonderful day here. I enjoyed the Upper Room, as usual. It simply reminds me to always keep looking for God's presence and guidance in my life. It was easy to get up and get active afterward as "Online" was the first video I saw on CMT.

Those of you who actually know I cooler online?

I started to watch the Oscars last night, but didn't see any of the major awards, though I hoped "Juno" would win something. Hope to go see it this week. I saw the Moldy Peaches on the View and fell in love with them.(ta da da da da da da da da da da, ta da da da da da da da da da da...)

And, now because it's Monday, I have lots of stuff to do. Hope everyone has a great day, and did anyone else notice the band uniform in the second "Enchanted" song last night? Just wondering. luv, Susan

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